
Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Recap 2013

Dear Em,
We had such a lovely Thanksgiving 4-day weekend. When we have time off, we're typically traveling. I can't tell you how amazing it felt to have four wonderful days to enjoy without travel. It was definitely much needed.

It was nice to relax as a family on Thanksgiving morning. I finally have a buddy to snuggle & watch the parade with this year. You even took some pictures of some of your favorite parts of the parade (Hello Kitty was definitely the highlight for you). I love, love, love the way you enjoyed the musical performances. It gives me hope for having a musical buddy in the future (you're not quite ready for that yet). After watching a few performances, you ran upstairs & came back down in this little ensemble.

Look at that little tude you've got on your face. This was your "I'm too busy being a ballerina princess to take photos right now." Your outfit was complete with a ballerina leotard, tutu, rainbow "tights," butterfly ring, bracelet, high heeled princess shoes, & flower in your hair. You told me that you had picked out your "Thanksgiving clothes." Unfortunately for you, I changed you into your real Thanksgiving clothes just before we left for Grandma & Papa's house. Short sleeved leotards are not very practical in New England in November, & high heeled shoes are not very practical on you ever (you took a tumble in them that almost ended your castle & bruised up your arm).

It was so nice to sit down with so many family members at Thanksgiving dinner & catch up. We've all had so much to be thankful for this year & have so much to look forward to in the year coming. I feel so fortunate to have married into such a big, wonderful family & really enjoyed spending time with everyone.

You were overflowing with excitement at being able to play with your cousins- a little too much excitement. You were in rare form. There was screaming & toy throwing & an unfortunate incident where one of your cousins ended up with marker all over his nice Thanksgiving shirt (we think you were trying to trace him?). It was a little embarrassing to be the parents of the child who was screaming & throwing & marking up the other kids, but we were still thankful for you all the same. We also weren't surprised when you fell asleep on the way home. Sleep deprivation always shows itself in the strangest ways with you.

We spent the rest of the weekend catching up on sleep, relaxing, snuggling, listening to Christmas music, decorating for Christmas (more on the in a later post), enjoying a game night with friends, celebrating Papa's birthday, & loving our time as a family. I asked you what your three favorite things were last night, & the first thing you said was spending time at home. You know what? I couldn't agree more.

I love you so,

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