
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ballet & Best Friends

Dear Em,
A couple weeks ago, you started ballet/tap classes. You couldn't be more thrilled to be a real life ballerina. You've wanted to be a ballerina- a princess ballerina to be exact- for as long as you can remember, & probably for as long as I can remember. You were bubbling with excitement as I helped you get dressed. Your eyes were wide & a huge smile spread across your face as we put on your ballerina tights, leotard, tutu, & ballet shoes.

You were so excited, you dressed your American Girl dolls in their own ballerina outfits.

The best part of ballet/tap? Your best friend takes a hip hop class at the same studio at the same time- which means after dance-hugs every week.

It also means ice cream at McDonalds after dance. Ice cream & little cuties, what could be more perfect?

I love you so,

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