
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Recap 2013

Dear Em,
You know the song The Twelve Days of Christmas? I feel like it's more like The Whole Month of Christmas for us. We had such lovely & fun Christmas celebrations with friends & family starting the day after Thanksgiving when we chopped down our tree until this past weekend when we took all the decorations down (still so sad in my heart, missing the coziness of them all).

You had fun with friends- near & far, big & little.

We were blessed to be able to share the holiday season with our family. It didn't matter what day we celebrated. I just felt so fortunate to be together with the most special people in our lives. No one is as excited as you to unwrap gifts, & our families mostly just let you unwrap them all- yours & ours. You relished in the gift opening, & Daddy & I worried just a teensy bit about how spoiled you are.

My favorite day of the whole month was the cozy day we celebrated Christmas, just the three of us. I heard you wake up in the morning & snuck into your room to find you sitting in your rocking chair, reading books. I couldn't believe that the excitement of Christmas didn't have you bouncing off the walls & waking us up at 4am. You snuggled in bed with us while we watched Christmas cartoons until Daddy couldn't wait any longer to go downstairs.

I love the moments when you first walk downstairs to see Christmas unveiled in our living room. Santa brought you an American Girl Doll, & your reaction was so priceless. "Oh, thank you, Santa! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love her! Mom, we picked one out, but the one Santa gave me is way more beautiful" (it was actually the exact one you had picked out online).

We headed over to the counter to find that Rudolph ate his carrot. Santa ate his cookies & drank his milk. He left you a note that we read to you, with an extra message from Rudolph telling you that tantrums hurt his ears (& everyone elses). "See, Mom, I am on the good list." You gave me a defiant look that said "I told you Santa would never put me on the naughty list."

Daddy made us yummy Rudolph pancakes before we looked at the surprises held in our stockings. Your favorite gifts? A can of olives & a electric toothbrush.

We spent the rest of the day opening gifts in our jammies, watching movies, reading books, playing games, playing outside in the snow (we had a white Christmas), & snuggling. It was my favorite. I love the special time we get to spend just me & you & Daddy & the special traditions we share.

It was hard to say goodbye to our amazing month of family, friends, & fun- Christmas is your self proclaimed very favorite time of the year, & I love how it brings us together with the ones we love- but we're excited about the promise of a whole new year & all the new celebrations that will come with it. As long as I get to share it with you, I know our future is bright.

I love you so,

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