
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Little Mani/Pedis

Dear Em,
The first time I went to a salon to get a real manicure or pedicure, I was in my mid-twenties. You, on the other hand, had your first salon pedicure at age 3. While I may not have gone out for mani/pedis, I did get the full pampering experience from my Mom at home.

I think this TBT photo comes from when I was in first grade.

You've also loved having spa nights at home with Mommy (& sometimes Nonnie). Then your Aunt Jennie & Uncle Nick gifted you a spa set for littles. We have the professional the foam flip flops, the things to put between your toes, special soaps & a tub to soak your little feet in, & even a hand drier. You loved the pampering.

It makes my heart happy to know that I'm passing down the home spa tradition to my little girl, & maybe someday you'll have a little girl to pass the tradition down to as well.

I love you so,

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