
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Winter Weather

Dear Em,
I try not to complain about the weather. I figure that I chose to live in Rhode Island. I know that means the months of January-March (November & December aren't so bad with the Christmas lights & spirit) will be bitterly cold & grey. I try not to complain, & I try to accept it.

But when it's so cold that our front door is frozen shut, it is hard not to miss the beautiful & bright winter days we had in North Carolina.

But I guess there aren't many perfect, snowy, sledding days like this in North Carolina.

You asked if you could go down the hill on your own. I swear my heart stopped the whole time you sledded down the sleep hill. Daddy laughed at me, & you squealed with delight.

So, for as long as we live in Rhode Island, I guess I can take the frozen-shut-door days because they also bring us wicked fun sledding days. Any weather that brings such a smiles & squeals of delight from you, is the best weather ever.

I love you so,

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