
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Your First Big-Girl Bike Ride

Dear Em,
We've certainly had a quintessential New England winter thus far. It's been frigid, & it's been snowy. We've been cooped up, & we've been sick. Last week I couldn't take it anymore. I knew that the temperatures were in the teens & we were both sick, but I had to get out.

There have been a lot of videos posted about what happens to boiling water when it's thrown into freezing air.

It's fascinating to watch, but I heard it can also be kind of dangerous. I wanted to go a safer route but also try to do something magical with the below freezing temperatures that I was starting to loathe. I saw somewhere online that if it's cold enough, you can make bubbles freeze in the air. So, we grabbed your bubble mix, bundled up & headed outside.

Although it felt plenty freezing to you & I, apparently it wasn't cold enough for our bubble experiment to work. All of our bubbles were just regular bubbles. Still, you had fun getting some fresh air & blowing bubbles outside.

After about fifteen minutes, we were both too cold to stay outside any longer. It's possible it took us longer to bundle up than we even spent outside, but I didn't care. We got some fresh air & a little bit of sunshine. I can't tell you how much my body & my soul needed that.

And then this past weekend something magical happened: the temperatures rose above freezing! I realized I am a true New Englander when it's February & temperatures are in the 40s & it feels like summer. We were so happy to soak up some outside time. You took the opportunity to take a drive with the top down.

I think the "warm" weather made me so giddy, I started to get carried away & began pulling all of your outside toys out of the garage- including your new big-girl bike. And so it was a "warm" day in February that you rode a big-girl bike for the very first time.

Once you got the hang of it, your American Girl Doll, Emma Rose, went for a ride too. I put a jacket & a bike helmet on her too before strapping her into the doll seat. Safety first!

It's a good thing we took advantage of the unseasonal weather & were able to enjoy your first magical bike riding moments when we did, because of course snow covered the ground again the very next morning. Sigh. Is it too early to start dreaming about Spring & Summer trips on the bike path? It looks like this year instead of being towed, our sweet little love will be riding a bike of her own.

I love you so,

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