
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Dear Em,
Your daddy's birthday was this past weekend, & we are in the midst of birthday week celebrations. You are so excited to celebrate your daddy. You & grandma have been working on celebratory crafts galore & planned the most adorable birthday celebration.

I'm excited to celebrate Daddy too, with the rest of the year being full of sharing space with two very big personalities, he's definitely due for a week where he is in the spotlight. Although he is going to Las Vegas in a couple weeks (without us! how rude, right?!) & I told him he wasn't getting anything else for his birthday, I had a few tricks up my an overnight Boston getaway with tickets to a Boston Bruins game (I'm so proud of myself for actually keeping it a secret).

I can't help but think of how crazy it must be for Grandma & Papa. As a parent, in one moment your child is just a dream & in the next they are something far more than you could have ever dreamed faster than you could have ever imagined. I can't help but think I'm going to blink & it's going to be time to celebrate your 31st birthday. Seriously, where is the pause button?

Happy birthday to Daddy, the love of our lives. Watching the two of you together fills my heart more than you can know. It's an amazing thing to create a child that is half of you & half of the person you love more than anything else in the world...& to raise that child with that person. It's not always sunshine & butterflies. There are some tough moments, some really tough moments. But there are also a million little, precious moments, moments where we've laughed so hard that tears streamed down our cheeks, moments where we've embraced new adventures, moments where we've chased each other around the house, moments where we've group hugged in each others arms, & moments where we've celebrated little victories.

These are the moments that make our lives magical, & I'm so glad to celebrate another year of moments with Daddy.

I love you so,

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