
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Our Last St. Patrick's Day

Dear Em,
A little less than 6 months after Daddy & I were married we decided to stop trying not to have kids. We didn't have a set timeline, & we weren't planning to get pregnant right away. We knew that trying to have a baby could take a really long time, & if that was to be the case for us we thought it was best to start the process without the stress of expectations. And anyways, didn't there need to be a three month washout period after you stop your birth control before you could get pregnant?

That is what I told your daddy. Believe it or not, that's what I told myself. I realized the day I took my first negative pregnancy test & cried myself to sleep, deep down I had been lying to myself. Deep down, I wanted more than anything to be a mother & wanted you to join us in the world as soon as possible.

But anyways, I digress from the true topic of this post. This TBT comes from the day after I took my very last birth control pill. Your Daddy & I were not only celebrating St. Patrick's Day but also the new adventure we were about to embark on.

As it turned out, it was our last St. Patrick's Day before we became parents. 

I love you so,

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