
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Throwback Thursday: The Perfect Spring Day

Dear Em,
When I have a perfect moment, it's something very hard to recreate...partially because of how much it's been built up in my mind. Fantastic trips, the perfect bite of food, & time spent with friends & family...I've tried to experience some of my favorite moments all over again, but it never seems to completely live up to that first perfect moment. 

We had a moment like that. It was actually a whole spring day. It was three years ago & was one of the rare Saturdays when we didn't have anything planned. It was the beginning of spring, one of the first really sun-shiny days of the year. 

Daddy & I put you down for your afternoon nap, grabbed the monitor, & headed into the backyard without coats or jackets. I was working on decorating our stairway & had set up our picnic table with frames I wanted to paint. Daddy put the Red Sox game on the radio & he drank a few beers while I sipped cold sangria. We both just soaked up the sunshine while listening to the game & working on my project. 

When you woke up, you joined us outside. You & daddy kicked a ball around the yard & we pushed you on the swings. It was really so simple, but so perfect. Ever since then, Daddy & I have remembered that day as THE perfect spring day.

We were recently surprised with a Saturday with no plans. When we awoke to the sun shining, Daddy & I wondered if we could have another perfect day. I was skeptical. Our day three years ago was just so precious in my mind. How can you recreate perfection?

We decided to try & headed outside for the whole day. First, we tackled some yard work. 

Daddy put the Red Sox game on the radio. I soaked up some sun on the trampoline. You played with your "buddies" on the swing set & drove your car around the yard. We ate outside in the fresh air.

We built a fire, & Daddy & I helped you roast s'mores. You grinned with chocolate & marshmallow yumminess covered the sides of your mouth. Instead of taking you inside for your bedtime ritual, Daddy read you two books outside with the fire pit glowing.

I took you inside to shower off the smoky, fire smell before tucking you into bed. You told me that it had been "the best day ever!" I rejoined Daddy back outside, monitor in hand, & we watched the fire glow as the sky went completely dark. We both agreed. It had been the best day. We had the gift of another perfect spring day. 

It may not seem like much to many. We didn't go anywhere or doing anything elaborate. But to me, I had my family, our home, the sunshine, relaxation, & the Red Sox (& a couple beverages) was total perfection. Not exactly the same as our first perfect spring day. You can't completely recreate the exact same day, & that day from three years ago will always remain as a precious moment in my heart. But we had created a new family memory, that I will hold dear for a long time to come.

Thanks for all the perfect days we've shared & all the perfect days to come.

I love you so,

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