
Monday, June 23, 2014

Falling Asleep In My Arms Days

Dear Em,
In the early hours of morning you came to me whimpering because your head hurt. I scooped you up in my arms & laid you down next to me in my bed. I closed my eyes & rested, all the while listening to the sound of you breathing as you lay snuggled in next to me. 

I'm not sure if it was your stillness or the slow, deep rhythm of your breathing, but I suddenly noticed that you had fallen asleep in my arms. This NEVER happens. Happily, I soaked in every second of this precious moment. I took in the smell of your hair. I listened to the sounds of your breathing. I enjoyed every second of your little girl snuggles, all the while thinking about how I haven't had a moment like that since you were a baby.

It was a hard thing to slip out of bed while you continued to sleep & get ready for work, but I have hope. Maybe your fall asleep in my arms days are not tally over. Maybe.

I love you so,

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