
Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day Blessings

Dear Em,
We've had a pretty incredible year so far this year. One the May highlights was being able to spend Mother's Day with you, my mom, & Daddy's mom. It was the very first time I was able to spend Mother's Day with my two favorite moms...& you of course. It was the day after your aunt Andrea & uncle Lowell's wedding. We were all tired & happy (well, you were very cranky) & at the beach. Instead of making phone calls & missing the people we couldn't be with, it was so nice to spend the day with our favorite moms.

I was thrilled when I realized the stars would align again this June, & we were able to spend Father's Day with Daddy, Papa, & Papi. Again this was the first time we were all together for a Father's Day, & it was amazing.

We started our day by giving Daddy breakfast in bed & showering him & Papi & Papa with the gifts you had made. Daddy had actually gotten out of bed before we had a chance to bring him his breakfast, but you made sure to shoo him back up into bed so you could proudly give him his "favorite breafkast in bed!"

Grandma & Papa came over later in the day. It was so nice having Nonnie, Papi, Grandma, Papa, & Uncle Jared all under our roof with us.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous. We had dinner outside & enjoyed the sunshine & the fresh air for the rest of the day.

As we ate dinner, it struck me how lucky we were to have the three most amazing & special dads at our dinner table that evening. I felt so blessed to be able to share the day & our lifetimes with them. Your Papi's smiles have gotten bigger since you entered the world. When he talks about you & the gift of being a grandfather, he beams. Your Papa has gotten younger as a grandfather. We've watched him ride pretend ponies, swing on swings, & play barbies with you. There's nothing he wouldn't do for you. Your daddy has become a better version of himself since the day you were born. His heart & his tenderness & his willingness to give has grown exponentially. He is the best Daddy & I couldn't imagine raising you with anyone else.

You got to play waitress (complete with a French accent) as you took our dessert orders & served us ice cream.

After dessert, you offered all of us pedicures. It was hilarious sweet. Everyone got to enjoy the full VIP treatment from you on Father's Day.

We ended the evening around the fire pit- talking & laughing, roasting s'mores & eating s'more cones. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

I love you so,

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