
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tarzan & Jane & Baby D too

Dear Em,
Yesterday I recapped our Ohio adventure, but I wanted to talk a little bit more about what a joy it was to watch you play with T & baby D. To be able to spend time with my best friend while watching our littles love each heart was so full.

Let me start by saying that you are a girls girl. You are never as happy as when you have little girls to play with. You are in your element playing baby, barbies, & dress up. Sure, you'll play with little boys too, but mostly you enjoy spending your moments with your girlfriends...except when it comes to T & Baby D. You fondly tell everyone that they are your cousins, & I smile at the idea that our dear friends have become our family.

While we only get to see T twice a year, we try to talk on the phone and on face time frequently. I never talk to him without him asking, "where's Emma?" The two of you were so excited to be together at last. You jumped in right away by reading each other books.

Really, the two of you were happy doing almost anything as long as you were doing it together.

Except for when you two were ready to kill each other (sharing was a little bit of a big deal), there was so much love going on.

Although baby D is still a newborn & not very mobile, you two did your best to include him in the fun. Honestly, I couldn't have been more proud of what a big girl you were, Em. When baby D cried, you jumped right in to do your best to soothe him. You told Nonnie that baby D "is a really good baby...when he's not crying." Ha!

On one of the nights we were in Ohio, we hung out in the backyard. You & T had kind of your own date night (don't tell Daddy). You grilled for dinner, went for a drive, roasted some marshmallows, & then headed for "the wilderness" (some trees on the side of the yard). You two had sticks in your hands, & you told me you were Tarzan & Jane, exploring the wilderness. I smiled as I watched you from across the yard & felt like my heart might burst. I love the way you two love each other.

I can't wait to see what adventures lay ahead for Tarzan & Jane & baby D too.

I love you so,

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