
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Growing Into A Daddy

Dear Em,
With Father's Day coming up this weekend, I keep thinking about you & Daddy when he first became a Daddy. I wasn't sure what kind of Daddy yours would be. He didn't seem particularly interested in children before there was you.

To watch your Daddy instantly fall in love with you gave me a joyful feeling that I can't even fully describe.

Your Daddy shared in the parenting right from the beginning. In fact with me on bed rest, your Daddy did almost all of your diaper changes during the first two weeks. This came with it's own challenges for Daddy. I'll never forget the time he couldn't figure out how to get your teeny, squishy arms into one of your outfits. He handed you to me as a tangled up mess & told me he gave up. Ha!

There was also the time that you had started peeing as he was putting on your new diaper. He had you in one hand & was trying to grab all the materials needed to get you in another clean diaper at the same time. He had an overwhelmed look on his face, but of course instead of helping him I grabbed the camera to capture the hilarious moment.

You've grown so much in almost four and a half years, & I'm happy to say that Daddy & I have grown in our role as parents too. You have the most amazing Daddy. I love the relationship the two of you have developed. He loves you to the moon & back. I'm so very thankful for your Daddy, for the little girl who made him into one, & for our little family of three.

I love you so,

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