
Monday, June 2, 2014

You're going to get ice cream up your butt.

Dear Em,
There's nothing I love more than a little family fun time....& ice cream. You are always up for ice cream, but we had to work to convince the rest of my family to join us. I'm so glad we did. At one point, your aunt Gina realized that it was just our parents & us siblings, no spouses or significant others (& you of course). It's not very often that we get to enjoy each other like that. It was just a little trip to get ice cream (thanks, Papi), but I really enjoyed the fun time spent with my family.

At one point, I heard Nonnie say, "you're going to get ice cream up your butt." I thought she was talking to my brother, because he was teasing my sister. And then I felt ice cream on my bum. Apparently, she was talking to me. I guess you were standing a little close with your ice cream cone. While you seem to do great with not getting ice cream on yourself, Somehow whenever you have ice cream I get it on my bum. Sigh.

Right after the ice cream-bum debacle, one of my brothers said, I bet this is going to be a blog post. He was right.

I love spending time with my family. I love how even though I don't get to see them often, when we do get together it doesn't feel like time has passed at all. I love how we're all at different stages of being grown up & yet, with my family, I can be a kid again.

I love you so,

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