
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Convos With My Four Year Old (part two)

Dear Em,
Just another hilarious conversation between me & my favorite four year old...

Em: I'm going to marry the handsomest guy ever, & I'm going to wear lots of makeup & a pretty dress.
Me: Well, it's nice to marry a man who is handsome, but I think it's most important to marry a man who loves you.
Em: I hope he's not cruel. 

Me: Yes, that's right. I knew I wanted to marry your Daddy because he was kind & funny & he loves me very, very much.
Em: OK, but he has to be handsome too. 

Me: Sigh. OK. Just remember what is really important.
Em: Well, you know I'm going to gave kids.
Me: Oh, that's wonderful. How many kids will you have?
Em: Probably four but I hope God only gives me one. 

Me: Why will you probably have four if you hope God only gives you one?
Em: Because I want four kids but I really just want one.

Well, that makes total sense.

Ha! You seriously crack me up. I can't believe what comes out of your mouth. Lately, there have been a lot of talks about getting married. Your Aunt Andrea recently got married, & I figured you enjoyed the wedding day so much that you've begun to think about your own. It was a few days after this conversation that I finally figured it out. More so than getting married, you want the fancy wedding dress...& probably the big party too.

Slow down, little girl. Time is passing fast enough as it is. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up.

I love you so,

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