
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

outdoor movies in our backyard

Dear Em,
I think you were an infant the first time I saw someone online make an outdoor movie theater in their own backyard. It looked so stinkin' cute & incredibly fun, & I wanted to have outdoor movies in our own backyard. The only problem is that you can't start outdoor movies until after dark. Since keeping you up past 10pm pretty much guaranteed you would turn into a cranky monster in years past, outdoor movies were never really an option for us. After the outdoor movie at Ninigret park was such a hit, I really, really wanted to fulfill my dream of having an outdoor movie in our own backyard. When your dance recital DVD came in, it was like fate was telling me the time was now by giving us the perfect show for our very first home screening.

Your uncle Jared was our amazing "tech guy" who put everything together. Using duct tape, he hung a white sheet on the back of our garage. Then he hooked his computer up to a projector. As we waited for dark you & S played on the trampoline, Daddy & I moved seats in front of the big screen, & Nonnie made popcorn.

I was bubbling with excitement. I couldn't wait for you two littles to see yourselves on a big screen. When it finally got dark, we coved ourselves in blankets, & the show began. We watched & ate popcorn & clapped during each number. S commented on how great the dancing was (especially for the older groups), & you commented on whether or not you liked the costumes (black costumes were not your favorite). When S's & your dance numbers appeared on the screen, pride filled my heart yet again. We laughed & clapped as we watched you two dance with such personality.

It was such a simple & yet amazing family activity. It didn't cost us any money, we didn't have to travel anywhere, & it was one of my favorite moments from this summer- one that I hope we can recreate again this summer & many summers beyond.

I love you so,

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