
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Oh yes it's 80s night...with a photo booth

Dear Em,
I was a child of the 80s. I grew up rocking to Bon Jovi, Michael Jackson, & Madonna. I loved the movies Big, Flight of the Navigator, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, & Karate Kid. I wore neon colors, jean jackets, & side pony tails.

Of course now I look back at the fashion choices & want to die laugh, but sometimes it's fun to bring back the embarrassing fashion choices (& laughter) just for one night (not for entire seasons like the fashion industry seems to want to do right now). This past weekend we threw a bachelorette party for one of my dearest friends, & we decided to bring back the decade that we were born in...just for one night. Because 80s night couldn't possibly be complete without a photo booth, I put a little something together.

I used:
- 2 1/2 yards of heavy white fabric
- Neon pink, yellow, & orange puffy paint
- A paint brush
- 3 paper plates

I laid the white fabric out on my lawn outside. Next I poured a big glob of pink puffy paint on a paper plate. I mushed my paint brush around the paint to completely saturate the entire brush. Then with flicks of my wrist, I splattered the paint all over the white fabric until the paint brush didn't have enough paint to make anymore splatters. I repeated with the other two colors. It took me less than 15 minutes to complete the whole project (thank goodness I wasn't wearing shoes, because my feet were also splattered with paint by the end).

With this particular photo booth, everyone mostly brought their own props. There were neon & lace leggings. There were jelly bracelets. There were head & wrist bands. There were neon sunglasses & mesh gloves. My favorite was the neon colored fanny pack. The neon splatters were the perfect backdrop as we captured these precious moments.

Ha! It was such a fun & ridiculously hilarious night. I loved reliving the 80s, just for a little while. And if we ever decide we need to relive it again...I have a photo booth for that.

I love you so,

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