
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Start of PreK

Dear Em,
Today is your first day of PreK, the last first day you will have at the school you've been going to since you were one and a half. How is this happening? I swear we just brought you home from the hospital, all squishy & new...& yet a smart & fierce & funny little lady stands in front of me.

I asked you what three things you wanted to learn & accomplish this year. You looked at me with all the confidence of a four year old & told me, "I already know everything." Ha! After thinking about it for a while & discussing it together, you decided on three things. By the end of PreK, you would like to  learn how to:

1) Read an Amelia Bedelia & Fancy Nancy Book all by yourself.
2) Tie shoelaces.
3) Cross the monkey bars on your own.

I hope those three things for you & so much more. I hope you find friendship. I know it's unlikely that you will find best friendships in everyone, but I hope at least you find & show kindness. I hope you find bravery. When you are unsure of what to do next or don't want to follow the crowd, I hope you can dig deep & find courage. I hope you find laughter, even in the days that don't seem to be going quite right...especially in the days that don't seem to be going quite right. Although you know everything, I hope you find learning & with each new discovery you make you find a thirst for more. I hope you find creativity. I hope you find pride. I hope you find empathy. I hope you find fun.

Here we go...

I love you so,

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