
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The URI Quad

Dear Em,
School is in full swing at URI. There are students covering the campus like ants, walking across the quad to get to & from their classes. In the summer it's empty & quiet & all ours.

We had a couple fun, quiet evenings on the quad this summer. We got dinner at the URI Emporium- falafel & steak sandwiches for Daddy & I, frozen yogurt for you (you eat dinner before we leave for the quad). We head over to the quad to eat, taking in the sunshine, the grassy field, & the old buildings around us. We break up the quiet calmness as we take out our outdoor activities for play- frisbee, football, t-ball, kickball, & gloves & balls for catch.

As the sun begins to droop in the sky, you're typically covered in dirt & grass marks & smiles. I know it's been a good evening, an evening where I can revisit my past & introduce it to my present. There's something amazing watching you twirl around in the very same spot Daddy & I threw a football around when we were first dating (I may have suggested tackle football just so that he would tackle me). At the same time, I wonder what future memories you may make in this sacred place (in a way that Daddy & I will fully support you in your choice to go to any University...dear God, we hope you'll choose to go to a University).

For now, I love that these precious moments, in a place that is so near & dear to my heart, are ours to share.

I love you so,

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