
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Ell Pond

Dear Em,
There's a hiking trail in Rhode Island that immediately became one of my favorite Rhode Island spots. After going for the first time with my college RA staff, I took Daddy (we were dating back then) on a hike at Ell Pond. We returned back there a number of times in the spring & fall, our favorite hiking seasons.

The hiking trail is surrounded by leafy trees, bright & green in the spring & multi colored beauty in the fall. There is a bit of a climb in some spots, making for a great workout without needing actual hiking gear. It's such a great spot to take in fresh air & all the amazingness of nature while getting some exercise. We like to end our hike by climbing up a great big rock that overlooks the pond. It's a beautiful and calming way to relax after a good hiking workout.

Daddy & I actually went for a hike at Ell Pond the day before he proposed.

We had no idea then that someday we would buy a home only 15 minutes away from our favorite Rhode Island hiking spot. Although not as often as I'd like, we've been fortunate to have been able to return to Ell Pond again and again throughout the years (it's tough, because it's not a trail I'm comfortable taking you on just yet so we can only go when we have a babysitter). Somehow, we seem to find ourselves there during many of our important life moments.

Two Year Wedding Anniversary...

Friend's 30th Birthday Celebration...

I'm so glad I got to return to Ell Pond a couple times this summer. One of the excursions was part of our dear friend's bachelorette weekend. It was so fun to share one of my most treasured Rhode Island spots with a group of great people.

Sigh, I'm such a Rhode Island groupie! Ha! I'm so glad we've had Ell Pond throughout the years & we'll have it for years to come. One day, I'm looking forward to introducing Ell Pond to you.

I love you so,

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