
Monday, November 10, 2014

Chapter Books

Dear Em,
A few months ago, we started our first chapter book together. You watched Charlotte's Web with Grandma this past year & have loved watching it ever since. When I found my Grandmother's copy of the chapter book, I asked you if you wanted to change up our reading routine a little by reading a chapter book instead of your picture books. You were excited to read the story you have loved to watch.

I teared up a little each time I opened my Grandmother's book. Inside, her name is penned in her own handwritting. The book is worn, & I delighted in reading you the pages that my grandmother had once turned through.

The story is descriptive. Imagery & vocabulary I was afraid you weren't ready for is used throughout the book. However, you looked forward to each time I opened up the book & read a chapter. You snuggled in to me & quietly sat, sometimes giggling at some of the funnier parts.

It took us almost a couple months of reading a chapter at a time before we had finished our first chapter book together. I wondered if you would want to go back to reading your picture books with me, but you were excited to discover more chapters with me. I wasn't quite ready for this. While we have tons of books in our home, we don't have any children's chapter books (except, for my beloved Babysitters Club books, but I don't think we're quite ready for those).

We headed to the library to see what we could find. I had heard that there is a chapter book series based on Fancy Nancy, & I figured that would be up your alley. We were looking for Nancy Clancy books when we stumbled upon the Junie B. series. We started with Junie B, First Grader: Aloha-Ha-Ha!, a hilarious book about a first grade girl's travels to Hawaii with her parents. Since then, we've returned to the library at least every other week for another book (& we also pick up a few picture books for you & Daddy to read). You & I can't get enough of reading chapter books together. It's so fun to laugh together about Junie's silly, little adventures. We both look forward to finding out what happens next.

Our reading time together has truly become a dream come true for me. I've always loved reading, & from the moment we learned of you I have hoped that you would share that love with me. I'm not sure what books are ahead for us or how long you will want to continue to read with me, but I hope that it will be for a while. My grandmother always said that books can take you on any adventure you want to go on, & I hope we have a lot of adventures ahead of us.

I love you so,

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