
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Boston Museum of Science

Dear Em,
One of the things I love most about Rhode Island, is it is situated in the middle of two of our country's biggest cities, NYC & Boston. In just a couple hours, we can reach either mecca of culture & activities. You were less than six months old the first time you went to Boston, mine & Daddy's favorite city.

Your Aunt Jennie & I took you on the subway & on a small tour of Boston that ended at the Museum of Science. We had to pack 35,000 baby items. In fact, we needed a stroller, back pack, & Baby Bjorn just to carry it all. Getting it all through the subway was quite the challenge, but I couldn't wait to take you to one of my favorite museums. Except, you were much too young to understand or take part in most of the exhibits. Still, Jennie & I loved spending an active day with you & you slept soundly all the way home. We all slept soundly once we got home.

We went back a couple years later. You were older & able to take in & interact a lot more. Still, you were a toddler who needed daily naps. Unfortunately, the Museum of Science doesn't have a nap area (I'm joking...kind of). By the end, you were in major meltdown mode & we vowed to never skip your naps ever again (although, we continued to make the mistake of skipping naps & then paid for it more times than I like to remember).

When your Uncle Jared mentioned he had never been to the Boston Museum of Science, I knew we had to squeeze in a trip this Fall. Luckily, the Patriots were on a bye this past Sunday. You & Jared watched movies in the DVD player while we drove into the city. We skipped the subway this time & conveniently parked in a garage located right next to the museum. 

One of the many benefits of having a Roger Williams Zoo membership, is it also provides us with a membership to the Boston Museum of Science. Our admission was totally free. Instead, we splurged on  a show in the five story IMAX dome screen.

As we walked into the museum, I noticed families leaving with small children that were throwing themselves on the floor tantruming. I remember breathing a sigh of relief that we really didn't need to worry about that anymore. You are a perfect age for the Museum of Science. It's a place where learning & discovery & fun all come together for the old & the young. You loved exploring each exhibit. We were able to talk to you about why & how certain things worked. The interactive exhibits were our favorites, & the Museum has added so many new ones throughout the years.

In four hours, we had gone through so many educational exhibits, taking breaks to eat & enjoy the IMAX documentary about pandas (we're kind of obsessed with pandas now). It was a lot of walking & learning & fun & discovery for a little four & a half year old. You started to get a little snippy, & we could sense our time was running short. We took you to the interactive play area. There is a track for running, an area for spinning, a beach ball to hover, swings for swinging, & a sea-saw to balance on. Jared put you on the spinning contraption & spun you so hard, you spun right off. At that point, we reached nuclear melt down mode. I had to laugh at myself as I escorted my crying child out of the Museum, just like the parents who were escorting their tantruming children as we arrived. So much for not having to worry about that.

Meltdowns & all, we had such a fun family day. I'm so glad this museum has gotten to be a part of your childhood (at such an affordable price) & hope we will continue to learn & discover & explore in the years to come. Although...I could live without the Museum of Science meltdowns.

I love you so,

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