
Thursday, April 23, 2015

TBT: Happy Anniversary House

Dear Em,
Last week we celebrated living in our house for six years. I feel like six years have flown by, & yet, I feel like I've lived under this roof for a lifetime. We truly became a family in this home. I was just a few weeks pregnant the day this picture was taken, but Daddy & I had no idea yet.

This is the house we came home to after finding out I was pregnant. This was the house that we took you home to after you were born. This is the home we all learn & grow in on a daily basis. The colors of the walls may change & the furniture may come & go, but I hope when you think of our home, you think of love. I hope that you will be able to dream in this house, to feel safe in this house, to fall apart in this house, to pick yourself back up in this house, to work hard in this house, to rest in this house, to play in this house, to get serious in this house, to laugh in this house, to seek comfort in this house, to go outside of your comfort zone in this house, to create in this house, & to love in this house as the years go by.

I love you so,

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