
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Little Home Improvements

Dear Em,
As I have expressed multiple times on this blog, this winter was tough for me. It was just so incredibly cold & dreary & gray & blah. When I get frustrated with life, I often take on home improvement projects. We had big plans for outside of the house this Spring (more on that soon), so any projects I took on inside the house would have to be small.

I was browsing Etsy & found these bright & happy stars. They were just what tour bay window needed to brighten things up a little bit. I wanted to get a few stars, with room to add more later. The possibilities were almost endless. I browsed for a long time before I finally chose a variety of stars in mostly blue, green, & yellow colors.

Once they arrived, Daddy & I installed them using fishing wire. All winter long, it was like we had a little piece of stary of sunshine inside our home.

The clear one paints rainbows on our walls every afternoon when the sun hits it. The addition of these stars was a small change to our home, but they bring a smile to my face every time I look out the window. Of course, they look even better now that the snow is melted & everything is green again.

Sigh, I love little home improvements that make a big impact, don't you?

I love you so,

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