
Monday, June 15, 2015

Sweet Peas Village PreK Graduation

Dear Em,
You recently celebrated your PreK graduation at school. It was the sweetest & most adorable thing. I fought back tears the whole time. Today you're graduating PreK, & it feels like tomorrow you will be graduating high school.

There was a tent set up outside for the graduation ceremonies, & each class celebrated graduation individually. You & your adorable fellow graduates came walking out to Pomp and Circumstance wearing gold caps & gowns. You frantically searched for us as you walked toward the tent. Once you found Daddy & I, you were all smiles & waves. You stood with your teachers & graduating class while the parent paparazzi went wild for a moment.

The sweet director, who gave us our first tour of Sweet Peas Village, introduced your teachers. Then your teachers introduced each child, reading a little bit about each one first. I watched you all beam as your teachers described each one of you in front of the crowd. "Mikey, I that's you," I heard you guys exclaim as the teacher's read about a marine biology loving little boy. "I know," beamed Mikey.

Then it was your turn. "This little girl enters our classroom with her bright personality each day. This little mommy enjoys playing pretend with her friends in family life. We enjoy hearing her act out scenarios with her friends. She's often seen singing & dancing with friends in circle & on the playground. We will miss this little girl's bubbly personality & big smile. Congratulations, Emma."

You made your way down the aisle in your gold cap & gown, beaming. A pink lei hung around your neck & your tassel swung from side to side as you practically bounced to the front of the tent. You waved & smiled, "Mommy!" as you walked by us.

Then you guys put your sunglasses on & sang a few adorable songs for us: Down by the Sea, Shake Shake, Do the Butterfly, & We're Moving Up to Kindergarten. You guys didn't just sing. You performed. There was some dancing & hand motions. At one point, you went to sit down during a song & missed your chair. There were hand motions involved in the Butterfly, & your cap got knocked off a little. All of a sudden you burst into tears. Your confidence returned after a hug from Mommy, & you did your very best to fight off tears as you sang We're Moving Up to Kindergarten. I also did my very best to fight off tears as you sang "farewell, preschool." How did one year go by so fast?

After the most adorable music performances, you sat down on a blanket with your teachers & the rest of the graduates while we all watched the most amazing slide show. It included pictures of each one of you from the time you began at Sweet Peas until you all stood in your graduation caps & gowns. You started at Sweet Peas when you were 1 1/2. When Daddy & I first saw your little 1 1/2 year old face brighten up the screen, tears began to flow down my cheeks. We loved seeing the photos of you with your sweet friends highlighting all the fun you've had during your time at Sweet Peas Village.

After the slide show, you were ready to tear off your gown, but I squeezed in a few pictures first. Daddy & I gave you a bouquet of flowers, hugged you tight, & told you how proud we were of you. Then there was a bounce house & face painting & balloon princesses & food. You bounced & celebrated with your little friends for a long time. You would have smiled & laughed & played forever, but Daddy & I had fun surprises for you at home.

I had 20 helium balloons & a tea party with all of your dolls waiting for you at home (P.S. getting 20 helium balloons into a car is not as easy as you would think). Written on the back doors in window markers was: "Happy Graduation, Emma! We are so proud of you! You did it! XOXOXOX."

I loved the look on your face as you walked through the back doors. You squealed with delight as you looked at every detail. "I love this! It's so fancy," you exclaimed. "Oh, thank you so much!"

We ended the night with a fire pit & s'mores before heading to bed. You & I read The Very Fairy Princess Graduation Girl before I tucked you in. "I'm a big, bad kindergartner now, Mom, but I'm not bad." Ha! It's true. I'm not sure how that happened so very quickly, but I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of all you did & all you accomplished & all that you are. I'm looking forward to enjoying the adventures of kindergarten & everything else that lies ahead for you...but first, let's have a nice, long summer where time passes by as slowly as possible. OK?

I love you so,

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