
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

halloweening, dwight schrute style

Dear Em,
It's less than a week until Halloween. Somehow I always have your costume planned out MONTHS in advance, but your daddy & I scramble around at the last minute (if we end up dressing up at all).

For parents who are scrambling, I thought these last minute costumes look so quick & inexpensive to make. They're also wicked cute.

I have to say the "Dwight from The Office" costume made me actually LOL. Your daddy & I love The Office. How fun would it be to round up a group of kids & dress them up as the whole cast? You would make such an adorable Pam. I just got a little giddy thinking of it.

Here's to fun last minute inspiration.

I love you so,

* Readers, what will you and/or your little loves be this halloween? *

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