
Monday, October 24, 2011

to trick or treat or not to trick or treat?

Dear Em,
Can you believe Halloween is only a week away? I wonder if when you're my age you will have Halloween traditions. Growing up all over the country, my Halloween experience changed from year to year.

There was one tradition that remained the same year after year. While many of our friends made a trip to the store each year to pick out costumes, your nonnie handmade our costumes each year. Lucky for us! Your nonnie made us the most amazing costumes: Cleopatra, Pocahontas, Minnie Mouse, Jem...we rocked the costume contests.

What we did changed from year to year. There were times we went out trick or treating to EVERY door in the neighborhood until we were all ready to drop (& then fueled up on candy until we were ready to bounce off the walls). Some years we stayed in and enjoyed Halloween as a family with our friends. Other years we went trick or treating at the mall where it was warm & your Nonnie & Papi felt it was more safe. It changed every year.

Last year your daddy & I thought about what Halloween traditions we would start for our little family. I knew we would dress you up...I mean, I had spent 5 years dressing up our cats (to their extreme disgust & your daddy's embarrassment). I was dying to dress up someone who would have fun with it.

The question your daddy & I had a hard time answering was: to trick or treat or not trick or treat? You were only 10 months old & didn't even eat candy. You had just started walking & couldn't go great distances, & trick or treating in New England is typically cold & dark. We struggled with wanting you to have a fun first Halloween experience but being concerned about how safe or practical it would be to take you out.

We heard about Olde Mistick Village from a good friend who was going to be taking your favorite 3 year old. It was the perfect solution. Mistick Village is an outdoor shopping area. On Halloween, the shops open their doors to trick or treaters. It runs from 4-6, before it gets too dark or cold. We didn't have to worry about cars buzzing by. We didn't have to worry about people poisoning you Daddy (Let's be real, the candy was for Daddy) with tampered candy. We didn't have to worry about walking long distances. It was the perfect mix of fun & safety.

Super Why leads the way
to the candy
It was such a yummy first Halloween for the three of us. We can't wait to go again this year.

This year Daddy will have to share the candy.

I love you so,

* Readers, what holiday traditions to you have/hope to build? *

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