
Friday, October 21, 2011

love letters

Dear Em,
You were crying one morning while I got you dressed & a song just popped in my head. I couldn't remember all the words, but you said, "again!" each time I sang the few words I could remember. I downloaded the song & now it's one of our favs to dance around the house to.

Here is our favorite part:
"...Take a good look around
And if you're lookin' down
Put a little love in your heart

I hope when you decide
Kindness will be your guide
Put a little love in your heart

And the world will be a better place
And the world will be a better place
For you and me
You just wait and see

Put a little love in your heart
Put a little love in your heart
Put a little love in your heart
Put a little love in your heart
Put a little love in-
Put a little love in your heart..."

Put a Little Love In Your Heart
sung by Al Green & Annie Lennox

I know the world is a better place with you & your love in it. I love an oldie but goodie, don't you?

I love you so,

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