
Monday, October 31, 2011

hope your halloween is berry special

Dear Em,

Happy Halloween! This month has flown by. I feel like October just started. How can it be Halloween already? Sometimes I just need a moment to think of all the sweet moments that have passed by in the blink of an eye.

Last year was our first Halloween as a family of three & I remember feeling magic in the air as we dressed you up & took you on your very first trick-or-treating adventure. I know you weren't exactly old enough to eat candy, but that didn't mean that Daddy & Mommy couldn't have fun, right?

You were the most adorable little strawberry I've ever seen. You were ten months old & had been walking for a month and a half. The strawberry costume allowed you to move freely but had the perfect amount of padding for your little bum (as you were still tumbling & landing on it quite a bit).

Halloween has become so much more magical since you've joined our lives. I can't wait to dress you up in your Little Bo Peep Costume & watch you twirl in excitement. I can just picture you pitter patter from door to door, exclaim "trick or treat" in your sweet, little voice, & jump with delight when you receive your treats. I'm buzzing with anticipation & excitement just thinking about it.

I hope Halloween is as magical for you this year as I know it will be for me. I'm sure i'll be posting pictures soon.

I love you so,

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