
Monday, October 31, 2011

Little Bo Peep

At the Dear Em,
If my heart didn't already belong to you, Little Bo Peep would have stolen it this year. I know I'm a little biased, but I think you're the most adorable & amazing Little Bo Peep in all the world.

Almost 28 years between us. I think you kinda look like your Mommy.

I just found your aunt Jennie wearing the costume too. I was Jem (& I was truly outrageous, truly, truly, truly outrageous).

While it seems that my family has a long tradition of being Little Bo Peep, I think the Bo Peep 2011 model is quite an upgrade...
Believe it or not, this is not even all of your lambs. 
My heart just melts 

This halloween photo shoot was a family effort. The MVP award goes to you for sitting longer than 30 seconds & looking so darn cute. An honorable mention goes to Daddy who stood behind me & made fart noises in attempt to make you laugh & smile.

You may notice that there is snow in the background. Yup, our first snow of the season came on October 29th here in Rhode Island. I don't typically drag you & Daddy outside for photo shoots in the snow, but it was finally sunny & light out (& the day before Halloween so I didn't really have any time left). So, I layered you up underneath your costume & hoped for the best. I will love these pictures forever.

Trick or treating was wicked fun. You called your lamb your "little peep." You tried saying "trick or treat" but you were just so in awe of all the other trick or treaters, especially your very favorite angel. It's not very often that you're speechless, & it was funny to your daddy & I. You held out your spider-bag like a champ & got so excited to receive your treats.

Trick or Treat!

Our favorite trick or treating friends.
Sweet treats & sweet friends.
We had only two trick or treaters at our house. So, I gave them both a big handful of candy. As they watched the handful fall into their bags, they exclaimed "whoa!" It was so cute.

Thank you for making my Halloween so magical by just being you.

I love you so,

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