
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 days of thanks

Dear Em,
There are days & weeks where my stress grows & grows until it seems like it's seeping out of my pores. There are some days I let the stress engulf me, & I forget. I forget how beautiful life is. I forget about the blessings all around me.

It's the first day of November. Thanksgiving, a time we are reminded to give thanks for our many blessings, is a few weeks away. Last November one of my friends had 30 days of thanks, & I thought it was such a lovely idea. I'm excited to take the next 30 days to tell you about some of the things I am so very thankful for.

Today & every day I am so thankful for the presence of God in my life. Without Him, none of the other things I am thankful for would be possible. He made the universe & each star in the sky, & yet He still knows each piece of me. He knew me before I was even born. He knows every step I will take, every thought I think, & everything I hold dear in my heart.

God answered my prayers of finding someone who would love me as much as I loved him the day I met your daddy. God knew we weren't complete as a family of two. Without Him, I wouldn't have been able to carry you inside of me for 40 weeks. You wouldn't have been born into the world. I wouldn't be able to snuggle you close or kiss your little toes or hear your sweet voice. The world wouldn't know what a special treasure you are.

I think that the author of God Gave Us You knows exactly how we feel, and that's why it's one of our favorite books. When a little polar bear asks his mama where he came from, mama polar bear tells the story of how much he was wanted & loved even before he was born. She lovingly tucks her little bear in & tells him how excited they were when he was born, because "God gave us you."

It's such a lovely bedtime story. Just like the polar bear, you are so loved & special. You are such a special & precious gift from God & we are so very thankful that God gave us so much love when "God gave us you."

I love you so,

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