
Monday, November 14, 2011

my first four best friends

Dear Em,
The other day I was chatting with a fellow Mommy at your school. She nodded your way & asked, "is she an only child?" The question seemed to knock the wind right out of me. I mean, I guess you are. We just never really thought of you that way. Maybe some of that has to do with the fact we haven't really made up our minds if we're going to try for a bigger family or live happily as a family of three. So, while we're still in this up-in-the-air-phase, we've referred to you as "our first child," but "only child?!" That sounds so sad & final.

I guess it just sounds sad to me, because "only child" were words rarely heard by my family growing up. I am the oldest of five siblings in my family, ranging in age from 16 (almost 17) to 30. I know, poor Nonnie & Papi! Growing up, we didn't really have the luxury of our own rooms or new clothes from places like Abercrombie & Fitch, but we've always had each other.

Our home has always been boisterous, so many of us doing so many things. We have conversations between multiple people in multiple rooms. We're all so different but so stubborn. When we're together, there's bound to be an argument between at least two of us at some point. Can I tell you a secret? I love every second of it.

You see, these people, my 4 siblings, have been my first four best friends. We've moved around the country together, & no one knows me like they do. So, much has changed in this life. One constant has been them. We may not always agree with each other (or like each other), but we love each other so. They have always been there for me & I for them.

When your daddy & I started spending every other Christmas with his side or my side, it was my brothers who said they would rather wait to celebrate Christmas until we could all be together. When I couldn't travel for Christmas because I was due to have you at any time, each one of my siblings braved the harsh New England winter weather & came to us.

Each one of my brothers & sisters are so talented & share their gifts so freely. Your Aunt J is so tech savvy, & has found you the most amazing toys (like your Smart-e Bear & your books with moving images). When she got married, I gained another brother. Your Uncle N is our "computer guy" who is such a kid at heart. Your Aunt G made your daddy & I a beautiful photo montage for our wedding & the most amazing photo montage of your first year. Your Uncle G can build his own computer. He is just such a good guy & I'm excited to see where life takes him. Your Uncle J is balancing work, fencing, school, & soccer. He, more than anyone, has been able to get you to smile from the moment he first held you.

As lucky as I was in siblings/best friends, I got even luckier when I married your daddy. Your Aunt A officially became my sister too. She's so gorgeous & smart & fun. She's a perfect shopping buddy. She's the perfect aunt for you to laugh & play & snuggle with. She's the perfect aunt for you to look up to.

I'm so thankful to have such kind, amazing, & inspirational sisters & brothers in my life. I'm so thankful that now I can share them with you as your aunts & uncles.

That's why, even though we're still undecided, I guess I really hope that your life is filled with siblings who you can love & who love you as much as I love mine.

I love you so,

* Readers, what are your thoughts on siblings? *


  1. This is a great one...siblings...I am the oldest my younger brother is 18 months younger than me and I always begged my mom to have more babies...because while even my brother was a pain sometime I loved having him...they are the best.they really are the first best friends you ever have...

  2. I think the older you get, the more you appreciate the siblings who were there as you grew up & are there for you still. They know you even before you really know yourself. Em would be such an amazing big sister...sigh...only time & God will tell.


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