
Sunday, November 13, 2011


Dear Em,
Our home will always be one filled with music...all kinds of music. Recently, our home has rung with acapella music. The Sing Off is a favorite of mine & yours. On the show each week, a number of acapella groups perform some of todays hits. We watch it together & dance together. I think it's so fun that you can take away drums, guitars, & keyboards & still get such an amazing combination of beats & sound.

Tonight you're having a special night with Daddy while I go to see Straight No Chaser. I love it when they sing "The 12 days of Christmas" & "I'm Yours/Somewhere Over the Rainbow." I really hope they perform those songs tonight. I'm so excited to spend a night devoted to music.

I found a The Sing Off Pandora station so I can bring all of the fun music back home to you. We're going to have such fun dance parties. I'm so thankful that music fills our life.

I love you so,


  1. Ooooh, I hope you have fun! We love Straight No Chaser, we went last year to celebrate Dan's birthday. Enjoy. (ps...I'm very impressed that you're updating your blog every day this month.)

  2. Thanks, Megan. The show was so fun. Those guys are so talented & yet have such a great sense of humor. I guess they will be airing a new PBS special about them this year.

    Posting everyday is sometimes tough to keep up. After my 30 days of thanks, I'll be back to posting M-F.


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