
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Papa's Birthday Party

Dear Em,
Tomorrow is your Papa's 60th birthday. We will be celebrating with him tomorrow, but we already got to celebrate once with him this past weekend. I'm pretty sure you were his favorite present.

The two of you were so cute together. When we sang Happy Birthday, you sang "happy Birthday to me" instead of "Happy Birthday to Papa." It made everyone smile & giggle. You & Papa shared birthday cake & ice cream. It was such a precious moment to share.

I'm so thankful for your grandma & your papa. I'm so thankful that they raised your Daddy to be the kind & loving husband & father he is. I'm so thankful for the precious moments you have with them. When they are with you, they are so young at heart.

We are so lucky in family & love.

I love you so,

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