
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You're a miracle

Dear Em,
It's day 30 of 30 days of thanks & time to wrap the month of thanksgiving up. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how very thankful I am for you.

I always knew that I wanted to be a mommy, but I never knew it would be like this. My heart has grown in ways I didn't know was possible since you came into our lives. You are a miracle. To think of the way you started as something smaller than a pinpoint & that my body partnered with God to fashion your little fingers & your little toes, it amazes me & takes my breath away.

Every moment & every stage with you has been my favorite. Each day I don't think I could possibly love you anymore & then somehow the next day...I do. When you were first born, the happiness I felt cuddling you in my arms was unsurpassed. Then you crawled & said "momma" (& later on dada) & started to toddle, & my heart swelled with joy. This past year has been an amazing adventure, because while we always had our own way of communicating, you've been learning how to really communicate in leaps & bounds. Every day is something new, & to spend each day exploring & learning & growing with you is truly magical.

You are such a little love. While not always gentle, you are so caring. You cry when someone else is crying just because it breaks your heart to see someone else feel sad. Your love in never in short supply. You are so giving with your hugs & kisses & words of love. When you put your arms around me & tell me that you love me "so much," I think it just doesn't get any better.

The other day, I got you dressed in the morning (you are starting to have more & more of a voice in what you wear each day). After we finished, you ran into my bedroom, stood in front of the mirror, & twirled around. "I'm so beautiful," you exclaimed. While you were twirling & giggling, a smile quickly stretched across my face & I could feel the dampness of tears forming in my eyes. You are so right. You are so beautiful inside & out, & I hope you will always know how beautiful you really are. I hope you will always know what a joy & a blessing & a miracle you are.

I am so incredibly thankful for every second you are in the world.

I love you so,

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