
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas lights

Dear Em,
Don't you just wish the light of Christmas would stay up all year long? I wicked want to make those fun candy lights next year & ask your daddy to string them all along the outside of the house. We went minimal outside this year, but it was still enough for you to exclaim, "I see lights! We go outside now?" I think you're going to love everything holiday just like me.

This year we had a lot of LIGHT fun. In the beginning of December we went to the Wickford Festival of lights. They had a ton of fun activities, including hayrides with Santa & outside caroling.

Unfortunately, we missed the caroling because we waited in line for over an hour for the hayride with Santa. It was all worth it, because you & your little friend S got to have a nice visit with Santa. The best part was you & S called out to the people we passed, "Merry Christmas Everybody" during our entire hayride. The people walking along the streets smiled up at the two of you, but I don't think anyone was smiling bigger than me. You two are so pure & sweet & loving. If anyone is looking for the true Christmas spirit, they need to look no further than you.

After the hayride, we played in the lights.

Grandma & Papa joined the light fun too.

After our outside fun, we went inside for hot chocolate (& Daddy enjoyed a well deserved beer).

Tomorrow, I'll talk about our other light adventure. All our adventures are so full of light with you.

I love you so,

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