
Thursday, December 29, 2011

night of enchantment

Dear Em,
Celebrating the holidays with our family in North Carolina has introduced us to so many new adventures. Last year, we visited the sunny state during Thanksgiving & found out about Enchanted Airlie. Airlie Gardens is full of gorgeous trees & flowers & landscaping. During November & December it's filled with amazing Christmas lights. We fell in love with the enchanting garden last year.

After the fun of the lights, you had the cutest talk with Santa & then your Nonnie got the whole family to squeeze in for a precious family photo. It was freezing, but it was beautiful.

When we called Nonnie to talk about plans for this year, she asked if we could go to Enchanted Airlie again, & I couldn't wait! This year was a little different, because it was 70 degrees. While we were all bundled up last year, we were tearing off our coats this year. It was still just as beautiful & magical & fun.

We took lots of family photographs.

We made encouraged your Uncle Jared join us for our adventure & he continuously showed us how excited he was about that in the photos.

In spite of your 17 year old uncle, it was still beautiful.

You & I totally broke the rules & stepped inside the fenced off area to get a closer look at Santa.

This year's Enchanted Airlie was Caribbean themed.

You couldn't wait to talk to Santa. We waited in line for 20 minutes & you called "Merry Christmas, Santa," the whole time. When it was finally your turn, you turned to me & told me you were "a little scared." Once I placed you in Santa's lap, you were fine. Before he could even ask you what you wanted for Christmas, you asked him for Baby Jesus & then spelled him your name. It was another precious moment. Afterwards, we got together for a family photo. Uncle Nick & Uncle Greg couldn't be there this year & we missed them but were thinking of them.

You, Daddy & I got together for a family photo & then we headed home. As we drove home, you said that today was the, "best day ever!" Every day is the best day when you're in it, but that day was absolutely enchanted.

I love you so,

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