
Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas PJs

Dear Em,
Tonight we head down to North Carolina to spend Christmas with the Bixby family. For as long as I can remember, we were allowed to open a couple gifts on Christmas Eve & one of the gifts was always Christmas PJs. There's something so amazing about a pair of fresh & festive Christmas PJs. My brothers & sisters & I have grown up, & I think most of them would be happy to ditch the matching PJs (perhaps because after we open them & put them on we have to take a forced family fun photo shoot in our PJs in front of the tree...perhaps because we're not 5 anymore). Your Nonnie actually hasn't gotten us Christmas PJs in years. For me it's a tradition that I would be so sad to end. So, I've become Nonnie's elf & I purchase our PJs each year.

Some PJs of Christmas pasts...

I think this was 1987. See, we were happy in our Christmas PJs!


In our Christmas PJs in 1989. How did my mom get three kids & a dog to sit & look at a camera?!

Here we are in 2005.

In 2007 the girls wore button down PJs & the boys has plaid bottoms & t-shirts.

2008 was a Red Sox themed year with our last names & favorite numbers printed on the back. This was the year I we started to force involve the whole family (parents & significant others) in our PJ tradition.

2009 was a Patriots themed year. I had a little onesie for you incase you wanted to be my Christmas Eve surprise. No such luck.

2010 was the best year, our first Christmas as a family of three. I surprised your daddy with adult sized footsie PJs. Those things are super warm & comfy. I went back to the Red Sox theme for the full family PJs, but in Christmas colors this time. We're not really big hockey or basketball fans.

It's so fun to look back on all of the family Christmases & family traditions. I'm so excited about this year. They are the best ever! I can't wait for you & our family to open our Christmas PJs this year. I hope you grow to love our PJ tradition as much as I do.

I love you so,

* Readers, what fun Christmas traditions do you share in your home? *

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