
Friday, December 16, 2011

love letters

Dear Em,
The holiday season typically means travel. Since we'll be spending a week & a half in sunny North Carolina for Christmas, we're going to celebrate our Christmas this weekend as just our family of three. In fact, tonight is our Christmas Eve.

Since your Papi was in the Navy while I grew up, it never mattered what the actual date was. Christmas was when we could all be there to celebrate together as a family...& for me it still is.

"And so then, my darling, wherever you roam,
may you always be safe...may you always come home.

For as long as the world still spins & still hums,
wherever you are, & no matter what comes,

the best part of Christmas will always be...
you beneath my Christmas tree."

From my new favorite Christmas book: The Spirit of Christmas by Nancy Tillman.

I can't wait to see your face light up on our Christmas day. I wish I could bottle up the lights & sounds & love to have with me all year through. Merry Christmas, my love.

I love you so,

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