
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus.

Dear Em,
On Christmas Eve, after we unwrapped our Jammies, we let you open one gift. It was from your Aunt Wendy, Uncle Mike, & cousin Michaela. It was a Little People Nativity Set.

You've been looking (mostly looking, we've kept reminding you to look with your eyes instead of touching with your hands) at my grandmother's nativity set that we've had out for weeks. You've insisted that you will be "gentle with Baby Jesus," & have looked at the set with such a sad heart because we won't let you touch it. So, what a beautiful surprise when you received a nativity set of your very own that you can hold & play with.

Your excitement bubbled over as Daddy took each piece of the set out of the plastic & handed it to you. You squealed with delight when he handed you Baby Jesus. "I love you, Baby Jesus! You're so cute," you exclaimed. You placed him in the manger next to his "mommy & daddy & lamb." You said everyone wanted to be next to Baby Jesus.

After playing with the manager for a little bit, you took out your Little People Airplane & your Little People Bus & gave the whole set a ride.

I asked you whose birthday it was, & you jumped up & down as you shouted, "it's Baby Jesus's birthday. Right there (you pointed to him)! Happy birthday, Baby Jesus!"

When it was time for bed, you cried. You just didn't want to leave Baby Jesus behind. Your crying subsided when we told you that you could bring him with you (you grabbed "his Mommy" too). We read bedtime books & then tucked you in with baby Jesus clutched to your heart.

It makes my heart so happy that you celebrated the true meaning of Christmas this year & that you love Jesus as much as you do. I hope you always hold your love of Jesus in your heart & celebrate His great gift of love year after year.

I love you so,

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