
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

From our home to yours...

Merry Christmas!


  1. Thanks, Sherrie. This way I can send a card to everyone (well, everyone who reads) without having to fill out addresses or pay for postage.

  2. ohmygod Julie. sometimes it creeps me out how much we are alike. honestly. it creeps me out.

    that was our christmas card this year too.

    :-) i'm glad your holiday was merry and bright. your little one is just a peach! (and already TWO!? what the heck!? so fast it goes...

  3. Haha, Jes. Now I want to see YOUR Christmas card.

    I'm thankful for your blog & the inspiration that it gives me.

    Can't wait to see the pictures as your little love turns one. Seriously, if there was a way to slow things down, I would be the first to sign up. :)


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