
Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Dear Em,
So, I've been in Denver for 24 hours now & have really only seen the airport, the taxi that took me from the airport to my hotel, & the hotel I'm staying in.  I've always wanted to visit Denver, & would love to sight-see a little, but it was a long day. I decided to pass up a night on the town in exchange for a night of room service & reading (I love room service after a long day). Do I sound wicked lame to you?

On the ride in, we passed the capital building. It was lit up like a gorgeous Christmas tree. I would love to see it in the daylight as well. I'm hoping to venture outside for sight-seeing tomorrow night. Any night-time suggestions?

Speaking of buildings, we've been having such a fun time building at home. Your Aunt J & Uncle N got you a set of Magna-Tiles for Christmas, & they have been fun for the whole family. These for sure will be one of our third year favorites. I love watching you build & use your imagination. You like to build towers, just like the one Rapunzel lived in. The Magna-Tiles are also fun for Daddy & I. The magnetic blocks make it easier for your little hands to build & make it possible to build such fun 3-D structures. I highly recommend them for any 2 year+ child (or adult).

Last week, you & I built a tower that was taller than you.

And then you "accidentally" knocked it down (knocking the towers down is your favorite).

Maybe when I get home we can try to build a replica of the Denver Capital building or some of the other buildings from the Mile High City. Or maybe we'll just stick with tall towers.

I love you so,

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