
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Travel, Ear Infections, & Brownie Balls

Dear Em,
I'm in Denver this week for work. It was hard to leave. You woke up this morning with a fever, & Daddy took you to the doctor on his own for the first time. You have another double ear infection (your 4th since September), & we've now been referred to an ear, nose, & throat doctor. It's so awful to know you're in pain, but I hope we can work with the specialist to do what's best for you for the future.

It was heart breaking to hear that you had asked for me throughout the day, & you cried when I called to say goodnight. My voice was not what you wanted. You wanted all of me. You don't know how bad I wished I could reach through the phone, snuggle you tight, & wipe your tears. 

I called Daddy later to make sure you had fallen asleep. He said you talked in your crib, saying "I need Mommy to blow dry my hair. Daddy doesn't blow dry my hair." Little do you know, it was me who stole the blow drier for my trip. Whoops sorry.

If I was home to take care of you, I would make you your favorite: brownie balls. You don't really eat soup, so I'm sure chocolate is the next best thing. Brownie balls always put a smile on your face.

They are amazingly easy to make. So, I thought I would share the recipe. I got the recipe from our friend Kara. I'm not sure where it originated from.

Brownie Balls (AKA Oreo Truffles)
- 1 package of Oreos
- 8oz. package of cream cheese
- 1 bag of chocolate chips (I got the bigger bag & then froze what we had left) or almond bark or dipping chocolate 

Puree the Oreos in a food processor until crumbs. Mix the Oreos & softened cream cheese together (in the end, my hands worked best for this). Refridgerate for at least an hour. Using your hands, make balls about half the size of a golf ball. Roll balls in melted chocolate.

We have used both the semi sweet & the milk chocolate chips & prefer the milk chocolate chips. I don't have the proper pans to melt chocolate on the stove. So, I melted the chocolate in a bowl in the microwave. I cooked it for 30 seconds, stirred, cooked it for another 30 seconds, stirred, & repeated until the chocolate was perfectly melty. I used two spoons to roll the balls in the chocolate.

For fun, I added chopped almonds to half the brownie balls to give them a little yummy.

Maybe we can make some when I get home, & I will pretend that they are healthy.

I love you so,

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