
Monday, January 9, 2012

A casual hula two-year-old birthday party

Dear Em,
Well, the recaps continue. We just did so much in December. I feel like I have a celebration hangover. I wish I could curl up on the couch for the next month & do nothing...but that's not going to happen.

While we were in North Carolina, you had a birthday party with your friends & family down there. Nothing fancy, totally casual (we save the big celebration for your summer 1/2 birthday party), & totally fun.

I made brownie balls (or Oreo truffles as most people call them) instead of the elaborate cupcakes we made last year. You've been on a brownie ball kick, & I ran with it. Everything else from the party I got from Five Below. It was inexpensive & it was perfect for you & your little friends: hula skirts, flower leis, bubbles, balloons, & silly string. It helped that the North Carolina weather was warm enough to play outside without jackets, & of course a brand new puppy (not ours, we'll talk more about him later) was a nice surprise for you & the kids to play with.

I had to wake you up from a nap, which is never a great idea, but the guests were here for a party for you. I didn't think watching you sleep was a very fun party game. You cried as I brought you downstairs. So, I quickly gave you a brownie ball & the tears stopped.

I had plans for beach volley ball & balloon volley ball, but we had so much fun with the bubbles & the silly string it completely slipped my mind. That's the great thing about party planning. No one knows what is planned except for you. So, if something doesn't go as planned, as long as everyone is having fun, who cares?

I may have accidentally shot you with silly string. You were not a fan.

I didn't even pay for wagon rides. Bonus!

You gave your birthday party two thumbs up!

Later that night, you opened your birthday presents from family. You now have Rapunzel everything, & you love it. You walked downstairs today telling me that you are the lost princess.

It was a wicked fun day filled with sweet friends & amazing family. Thanks to everyone who joined us to make the celebration so special.

I love you so,

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