
Friday, January 6, 2012

love letters

Tickles from Papa.
Dear Em,
One of our new favorite books to read together is Tickle Monster.  It's such a fun, giggly book that leaves us smiling & breathless.

"Tickling my lovies is what I do best...
Are you sure you're ready for what's coming next?
I'm all in a tizzy, quite frizzy and dizzy,
My fingers are squiggly, your piggies are wiggly."
- an excerpt from Tickle Monster by Josie Bissett

I guess there are Tickle Monster mitts that you can purchase to go with the fun. You love to be tickled...& to tickle. Although your version of tickling us is just jabbing your fingers in our sides. Maybe tickle mitts are just what we need to add to our tickle fun.
from here.
Books that leave us all smiling are always my favorite.

I love you so,

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