
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

goodbye snow, hello sunshine

It was jammie day at school today. Oh, & according to you,
that's not a bow on your head, it's your princess crown.
Dear Em,
Tonight we are leaving for the Sunshine State, & I can't wait to visit your Aunt A & for 70 & 80 degree weather. If you asked me about our trip yesterday, I would have looked a little panicked. You see, I am typically a planner, but this trip kind of snuck up on us. I feel like we just unpacked from our trip to North Carolina. Between the unfortunate news from my company, your double ear infection, my business trip to Denver, & our stomach bug weekend...I guess we sort of forgot about the trip. Well, the type of forgetting you do when you know something is coming up but think you have a lot more time before it does.

So having not packed or booked a thing other than our plane tickets, I picked you up from school yesterday & decided dinner had to be easy & quick. We went to McDonalds for the second time in your life. I was in the middle of ordering our meals when you piped in, "& we want a milkshake."

I feel like McDonalds gets a bad wrap. I'm not saying it should be an everyday meal, but it was such a fun treat for us. You danced in your chair while you ate your nuggets & asked me to dance too. The song, "Just the Way You Are" started to play & we sang it together. You gobbled up your nuggets, & had the biggest smile on your face as you drank your milkshake. Your face was so sweet when you encouraged me to have some milkshake too. Sometimes you're the most amazing sharer.

A man in a black & white football jersey walked by us on the way to get ketchup (I'm not sure which team it was for...maybe the Raiders?). All of a sudden you exclaimed, "look, Mommy, it's Tom Brady." A mother nearby stood between her arguing teenage girls. She rolled her eyes at her girls, smiled at you & said, "enjoy her while she's this size."

I can't tell you how much I do...enjoy you. You make me laugh & smile more than I ever thought I could. You simply amaze me. I loved our precious McDonalds moment. It was just what I needed.

With a smile in my heart, we went home & tackled packing. Not everything is going to be planned with this trip, but maybe a go with the flow kind of trip is just what we need. It will be an adventure, that's for sure, and adventures with you & Daddy are my favorite kind.

I love you so,

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