
Thursday, January 26, 2012

wild nights

Dear Em,
That is what your daddy & I looked like on a Friday night 10 years ago. I wouldn't have called myself a party-girl, but I did enjoy a get-together with friends. Your Daddy & I went to concerts, house parties, dinner, movies, & the occasional bar.

This was our past Friday night. The only traveling we did was on your plasma car (that thing is so cool, I would recommend it for kids & adults).

I traded in my cute-going-out clothes for sweats & toddler sunglasses.

We played Yahtzee & Sorry, watched Snow White, & ate popcorn. We were in bed before midnight. It's pretty typical of our Friday & Saturday nights now. Super lame, right? You know what, I wouldn't trade our nights for a million of the nights from 10 years ago. Kinda crazy how much changes in just 10 short years, right?

I love you so,

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