
Friday, January 27, 2012

love letters

Dear Em,
Last week an amazing & talented artist passed away. The world is a better place because of her & her music. My world is a better place. Her music gave words to a feeling I couldn't describe...after you were born.

"At last
My love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song

At last
The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you

And I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known

And you smile, you smile
Oh, and then the spell was cast
And here we are in Heaven
For you are mine at last"
- At Last sung by Etta James

I'm so thankful for Etta James, for her music, for her words. I will always smile & remember the first night I looked at my little love & held you to my cheek when I listen to this song.

I love you so,

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