
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

traveling gets easier

Dear Em,
Sadly, our sunny vacation is coming to an end. We're flying home today. I can't wait to tell you all about our amazing Florida trip. We had just the right mix of relaxation & fun adventures.

I'm looking forward to home, but my heart is sad just thinking about the 30 degree cooler weather we will be facing at home. The weather here has been warmer than average. We've spent our days at the pool & the beach & the park & the outdoor shops. I forget how cold it is supposed to be in January...then I read a friend's Facebook post about skiing & I sadly remember.

I am happy to report that flying with you has become easier (knock on wood). Before we packed 57,000 things to occupy you & had to rotate every 5-10 minutes. This time we brought snacks, the portable DVD player, & movies. For the most part, you were happy & did well the whole time.

I can't tell you how thankful I am for that portable DVD player. Daddy & I had one to take with us on trips before we were married. It stopped working after a few years. Last spring we were scheduled to take our first road trip longer than two hours, & I bought a new one for the trip. I went with an inexpensive model since most reviews seemed to indicate that portable DVD players don't last long (especially when you mix them with kids).

We reserve it for long car rides & plane trips. We think it's good for to learn to entertain yourself & use your imagination on most car rides. However, for 2+ hour car trips & plane rides it's amazing to plop a DVD in & travel with smiles on our faces knowing that you have a smile on your face.

I hope our flight tonight goes the same way.

I love you so,

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