
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

growing into a beach bum

Dear Em,
Today is predicted to be in the 50s & rainy. I'm trying not to complain. 50s in February is warm for Rhode Island. When I think back to the sunny skies & trips to the beach we had last week, it's hard not to miss it.

My favorite part of our vacation was our beach trips. If nothing else, they gave me something bright & wonderful to look forward to this summer. I am a beach bum, as is my mom before me. There is nothing that I like better than spending a whole day at the beach...walking, castle building, swimming, sunning, reading...I love it all. I took you on your very first beach adventure when you were only 2 1/2 months old. We filled your Nonnie's SUV to the brim with baby supplies just to watch you sleep the whole time. It was a beautiful day, but I looked forward to the day when we could have fun at the beach together.

We've had two summers so far & our beach adventures have mostly been me bringing enough supplies to fill a house, dragging you & a wagon onto a crowded beach, & trying to clean the sand out of your eyes/mouth every ten minutes while you cry. We've had some fun moments & you enjoyed most of our adventures, but not without a lot of effort. Until now.

Last week I really started to see your love for the beach grow. You have a love/fear relationship with the beach, & I'm glad. I think it's healthy to have a little fear of something so powerful.

This week I brought only what would fit in my backpack. We went for walks, we searched for shells, we built sandcastles, we ate snacks, we soaked our toes in the water (it was a little too windy & cloudy to actually go swimming). We had fun at the beach together.

You fell asleep in your carseat before we had even pulled out of the parking lot. I looked back at you & smiled as I thought of all the times I spent an amazing day at the beach & fell asleep as my parents drove home.

I cannot wait for the beach days we will share this summer. Sigh, we just have to make it through the winter first.

I love you so,

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